Maurice Heard Gym Ceremony

Maurice Heard & Family

The Legend now has his name rightfully front and center of what was once named the Aubrey Street Gym. We present to you: the Maurice Heard Gym...and what a wonderful day it was for him.

Now officially retired, Maurice was recognized first thing Wednesday morning for giving the City, our citizens, and Parks & Rec 35 amazing years of service. To round out the day, family, friends, coworkers, Mayor, City Management, and members of Council came out for the official renaming of the gym - a gym that has been graced by Maurice's presence since he was young. In reality, he's given way more than just 35 years to our community! What an incredible role model for everyone.

And so you know, the recognition request was brought forth to Council by very thoughtful citizens. They made sure to let the City know how Maurice has influenced them any time he was inside or around this building - not only as a mentor, but also as a friend...someone who has always had unwavering care for anyone who walks through those gym doors. They said it's only appropriate to name it after him because of the impression he makes on everyone he meets: he makes them want to be better, to strive hard, and dream big...and because of him, they do just that!

Maurice - this gym literally has your name written all over it. And we couldn't be more proud of and grateful for all you have done for Cartersville! Maurice, we love you! And though we'll miss your smiling face on the job, we know where we can find you ;)



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Maurice Heard Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Maurice Heard Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Maurice Heard Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Maurice Heard Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Maurice Heard Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Maurice Heard Ribbon Cutting Ceremony